Statement Of Philosophy

No matter what part of this business we are in “our great purpose is to tell a story”.

“We as managers of an artistic process, possess the the skill to engage with artists as artists and  have the ability to develop and execute a plan, incorporating realities of vision, aesthetic, budget, schedule, personnel and venue to secure for the artist the best possible position to achieve “the goal”.”

We help others achieve the  goal  by utilizing all of our skill, commitment, experience and sense of purpose to identify and remove obstacles in the path. To put in place the proper planning, logistic, financial and personnel support that paves the way for success.”

While there are many ideas and philosophies that I explore in my classes I suppose this is the statement of purpose/philosophy I have.

We as PM’s are artists in our own right. I tell my students while we may function as managers we must engage as artists. We need to have an aesthetic, an understanding of the aesthetic to be achieved and a plan to achieve it. We bring to the table organization, the ability to manipulate resources of money and time to the advantage of the project, and the company. Our most complete  goal is artistic success albeit governed with fiscal responsibility, and  depending on your specific point of view may be measured through the eyes of the artist, the eyes of the audience and the eyes of the organization, In my experience it is complete when measured by all three.

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